Road Safety Analysis

Road Safety Analysis

The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) lays out the road safety management process for road authorities to systematically improve the safety of their network.

TES Software uses the statistical methods suggested by the HSM to assist road authorities in ranking problem locations (network screening), diagnosing safety issues, offering countermeasures to address the identified safety issues, and conduct an economic analysis to identify which countermeasure is economically viable.

The Biggest Bang for the Buck

Use the network screening tool to allocate your scarce resources to locations with the highest potential for safety improvement. The TES Safety Module can empower municipalities to use their data stored in the TES Software to support decision making.

Save Time and Money

Use diagnosis and countermeasure selection to significantly reduce the cost of your road safety reviews. Improve safety and minimize municipal liability.

The TES Software Safety Module can assist municipalities to improve safety and can protect against lawsuits in the case of unfortunate severe crashes.


Additional features in TES’ Road Safety Module include:

Graphs and Charts

Create charts of graphs with a mouse click to gain insight in crash patterns and trends. 


Show locations with a potential for safety improvement on the TES GIS Map component. Choose a location on the map and view all statistics including ranking. 

State-of-the-Art Methodologies

The TES Safety Module provides a wide range of methodologies for network screening, from Crash Frequency to Excess Crash Frequency with Empirical Bayes (EB) method. 

Over-representation Analysis

Identify crash attributes (e.g. pedestrians, impact type, road surface condition, lighting condition) over-represented at a location. This statistical analysis helps diagnose safety problems. 

Flexible Methodologies

Use the methodology that works best for your jurisdiction. You can use simple methodologies for your safety analysis and more sophisticated and robust methodologies.

Flexible Safety Performance Functions (SPFs)

The Empirical Bayes (EB) method, requires SPFs. You can choose the default SPFs or use your own SPFs. TES Software provides the most flexibility in functional forms of SPFs. 

Safety Performance Function (SPF) Calibration

The TES Software Safety Module can annually calibrate your SPFs based on the most recent crash and traffic volume data. 

Red Light Camera Site Selection

Choose signalized intersections for the deployment of red light cameras based on their safety history and their potential for safety improvement. 

Countermeasure Selection

Select countermeasures from a long list of applicable measures (based on site characteristics) to address safety issues at a location. 

Flexible Crash Modification Factors (CMF)

Choose the default CMFs in the TES Software or use your own preferred CMF for each countermeasure. 

Flexible Reports

The results of the analysis, graphs, and charts can be reported in a variety of formats such as MS-Excel and PDF. 

Flexible Cost Countermeasures

Choose the default construction and operational costs for each countermeasure or use your own cost values for the economic evaluation of each countermeasure. 

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