Road & Asset Maintenance

Road & Asset Maintenance

Any road authority’s road network represents a significant portion of that jurisdictions total assets. Given this high value, it is critical that the road assets be maintained effectively. Being able to view at a glance the maintenance needs of a road network is the first step in ensuring that the network is maintained efficiently. The TES Maintenance module provides a tool to store the maintenance history and condition of any asset on a highway network.




Save Time

This tool allows users to store and access any asset's documents instantly (pictures, reports, etc.).

Visibility and Control

Instant access to the status of maintenance activities, personnel, and equipment assigned as well as the cost of each maintenance activity.

Advanced Analytics

State-of-the-art analytical tools that are both quick and easy to use, while remaining highly flexible. TES makes all the information instantly available through the use of:

  • GIS Map
  • Filters
  • Advanced Search
  • Reports

Selected features in TES’ Road & Asset Maintenance Module:


View the location of your assets right on the GIS map.

View Any Asset Details

Any information on an asset can be stored along with any related documents like work orders, pictures, or reports.

Export your Data

Export any data to popular formats like Excel and PDF.

Apply any Filters

Find the data you need in seconds by applying filters based on collected criteria.

Import Your Existing Asset Data

TES makes all your historical and existing asset & maintenance data available instantly. Data can be imported from your existing database.

Share with the Team

All data can be in one central database so your team can access the most up-to-date maintenance data and reports.

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